Sunday, August 23, 2009

New Research proposal and further developments

Research Proposal

To create platforms for current and future sustainable involvement, by alumni and students, with the Vega family

1. Aim…

2. Research objectives…

3. Research groups…

4. Methodology…

5. Timeline…


1. Aim

To acquire understanding on how students and alumni are associated with Vega.
This will allow insights to be gained for the creation of an innovative and effective………………………………………….

2. Objectives


To gain an understanding of what value means to students and alumni, in terms of Vega.

To understand what the problems (negative perceptions) are around Vega.

To find out what the T.M wants – where do they feel changes can/need to be made.

To identify the criteria that would induce people to get involved in a positive way

To identify how alumni can do better by doing more (what are they getting for giving)

To identify what would create a school that cares for you and treats you like a person

The insights will be pulled and placed into categorised groups. These groups are:
The what a load of bollocks
The I want to be involved but I don’t know hows
The I’ve never thought about its
The I’ve thought about it, know I’m not getting anything out of it, so I’m not going to do its

o To understand student’s aspirations and ideas for involvement with Vega

o Explore the creation of belonging and commonality with the Vega family/brand

o Understand the decisions and reasons for being involved with Vega

o Investigate existing ties Vega has with its alumni

o Investigate existing forms of communication Vega has with students and alumni

Gauging of general information

To understand peoples current perceptions around Vega

Contact points

(Internal branding) – how do lecturers and the Vega environment add value

Where do internal branding changes need to be made

Effectiveness or lack there of, of all touch points. Both primary and secondary

How do alumni and students act as a contact point?

Who are the alumni? What makes them come back? How long did it take to come back? Would it have been different if?

3. Research Groups

Between 18-25 and 26 onwards
Within Joburg area



4. Methadology

Use interactive methods where ever possible..

Create a blog / facebook page….

Interact with students from 1st year to honours - creative questionnaire or discussion

Create something around Vega (in canteen)

Insights – in depth interviews

Questionnaire one – opinions around Vega

What stage are you at in your Vega journey?
1st year 2nd year 3rd year honours

What colour is Vega?
What are three words that describe Vega?
If Vega were an animal what animal would it be?

What is your attitude towards Vega?
Do you feel that Vega gives you what it promises?
What is the Vega experience about for you?

5. Timeline

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